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KPIs vs OKRs: how business goals are achieved

KPIs (key performance indicators) and OKRs (objectives and key results) are two popular frameworks used to drive business results. Understanding the difference and relationship between KPIs and OKRs will help you learn how to use and integrate both in order to achieve your company\'s strategic goals and improve performance. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, when applied properly, they can complement each other in facilitating strategic alignment, innovation and operational success.

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What does a fiscal representative do?

Non-EU companies without a branch in the European Union are required to appoint a fiscal representative to fulfil their Hungarian tax obligations and notify the tax authority of such appointment. EU-based companies may also go for this option, but it is not mandatory for them. In certain cases, the fiscal representative is financially responsible for the company\'s tax obligations: their role serves as a guarantee for the state and the tax authority in ensuring the fulfilment of the tax liabilities.

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Petra Palicz

Five cases where VAT is payable abroad

A number of Hungarian businesses are involved in international trade, including intra-Community supplies of goods, import of goods from third parties or supplies of services abroad. For cross-border transactions, it is important to examine whether there is a requirement to register for VAT abroad and whether any VAT liability arises abroad. Below we present five cases where companies are required to pay VAT abroad in connection with cross-border transactions and must therefore apply for a tax number.

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Petra Palicz

Court of Justice of the European Union rules in favour of the taxpayers again

At the beginning of October 2024, once again, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in favour of the taxpayers in a case regarding the right to deduct VAT. Although the judgment was delivered in a case in Romania, its findings can make a significant contribution to the successful exercise of the right of Hungarian businesses to deduct VAT.

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Compliance audit or tax audit?

Tax authority inspection, tax audit, compliance audit/minutes – these are the terms that every taxpayer should understand. What is more, you should know the detailed rules of the tax audit and the compliance investigation, as it is important what kind of protocol the tax authority review is based on.

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Wage Transparency and Eliminating the Gender Wage Gap

The European Union (EU) is committed to closing the gender pay gap and promoting the principle of equal pay for equal work. The new Directive (EU) 2023/970 on wage transparency is part of this intention, to strengthen pay equality between men and women by focusing on pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.

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M-sheets – how to avoid the Tax Authority’s radar

The precise and efficient completion of the M-sheets (domestic recapitulative statement) is vital to avoid the attention of the tax authority. The correct handling of M-forms is of utmost importance, as the tax authority\'s new risk analysis methods are focused on the accuracy of the reported data.

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ESG and HR

The meaning and purpose of the ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) framework is to ensure that companies operate in a sustainable manner over the long term, while taking into account environmental, social and governance aspects. HR plays a key role in the social pillar of ESG where diversity, equity and inclusion are of paramount importance.

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ESG and Sustainability Reporting: What You Need to Know About International and Domestic Regulations

The Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) framework is increasingly playing a significant role in corporate operations and reporting obligations, with one of its goals being to assist in compliance with the European Green Deal. In our blog, we will review what ESG entails, how it impacts various industries, and the requirements imposed by international and domestic regulations. Learn what companies need to prepare for in light of the new reporting standards!

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