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Accounting in Hungary 2024 – What’s new?

Find below the most important changes in accounting coming into force in 2024, which companies should integrate into their accounting and auditing systems at the beginning of the year. Please note that the Accounting Act was amended several times in 2023, and these accounting changes were regulated in various pieces of legislation*.

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Kinga Csepei

EÁFA (eVAT) M2M – What Needs to be Done Before the Introduction of the Electronic VAT System in 2024?

In 2024, the Tax Authority of Hungary (NAV) will make an innovative step in the field of VAT declarations with the introduction of eÁFA (or eVAT),which will base declarations on data instead of the previously accustomed aggregated data. In order to simplify their VAT declarations and reduce administrative burdens with the help of eVAT M2M, companies must undertake several important steps.

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Financing opportunities for the SME sector in 2024

Ever since the economical downturn of 2020, the SME sector in Hungary has been experiencing difficulties with the procurement of debt financing. In response, the Hungarian Government has expanded upon its supply of state-subsidised loans, while on the other side, some market participants have come up with creative solutions to raising capital for their companies. Some of these solutions may seem unusual to domestic markets, a couple of which we will discuss in this entry

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Transfer pricing data reporting 2023: experience and obligations

This year was a turning point for companies in the field of transfer pricing, as they were required to provide information on the determination of the arm\'s length price in their corporate income tax returns. We have collected the main issues and topics that have caused the most problems for companies when preparing their 2023 transfer pricing data reporting.

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Update! Minimum Wage and Guaranteed Minimum Wage in 2024

The amounts for the minimum wage and guaranteed minimum wage for 2024 have been determined and announced. For 2024, a 15% increase in the minimum wage and a 10% increase in the guaranteed minimum wage should be planned for employees working full-time. The increase in the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage can take effect from December 1, 2023.

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The Mandatory Deposit Return System (DRS) and VAT

From January 1, 2024, the deposit return system for mandatory deposit fee products marketed domestically, the DRS, will be implemented. The mandatory deposit fee system imposes tasks on both manufacturers and distributors, and due to the introduction of the DRS, the summer tax package also amended the VAT law effective from January 1, 2024. In the following blog post, we will present the most important VAT-related effects of the new DRS system.

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Key rules for IFRS transition – who are affected?

In Hungary, all listed companies, credit institutions and financial enterprises equivalent to credit institutions are required to prepare their annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS. In addition, certain companies have the option to prepare their annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS. The rules for the first-time adoption of IFRS are complex, and we will go through the details in our blog post below.

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