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Summary 407 posts

NAV Online Invoice reporting - how to prepare for July 2020?

More than 300,000 Hungarian companies have been reporting their invoice data to the NAV online invoice reporting system for almost two years. From 1 July, this scope will be further expanded, all invoices issued between domestic business partners will be required to provide online invoice data, regardless of the VAT amount of the invoice, the reporting threshold will be reduced to zero. The expansion of the M-form obligation related to purchases can also be a nightmare for accountants.

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Modified wage subsidies and tax reliefs in Hungary

The new conditions for wage subsidies are more favourable, facilitation of deadlines in respect of reporting and taxation, SZÉP card changes and confirmation of social contribution tax (”szocho”) rate reduction. These are, among others, the latest regulations to mitigate the economic effects of the coronavirus.

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R&D wage subsidy in the April economic package in Hungary

As part of the Action Plan to protect the Hungarian economy, new measures have been introduced in Hungary to preserve R&D workers’ workplaces. The government measures relate to the coronavirus pandemic, and take the form of a wage subsidy available for employers. The measures are applicable as of 15 April 2020, and businesses in various sectors could take advantage of them, such as IT and software development companies, pharmaceuticals, chemical companies, companies in the financial sector and manufacturers.

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Epidemic-safe company set-up, transformation and sale or purchase of property with digital attorney counter-signature

Company proceedings, property sale and purchase contracts: almost everyone automatically remembers that an attorney is necessary for these procedures and the signature typically takes place in the office of the legal representative. Many are unaware, however, that company foundation and company transformation processes and even sales and purchases of property requiring attorney counter-signature can be carried out electronically without personally seeing the attorney.

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Tax Authority (NAV) extends Online Számla 2.0 deadline

The use of the NAV Online Invoice 2.0 version will not be a must from 1 April 2020 in online invoice data reporting. The deadline for the introduction of the new schema was extended by NAV until 1 July with regard to the extraordinary situation arising due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

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