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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Hungary

Updated! Online invoices - HU TA will only accept data in the new format from June 4!

A change is coming in online invoice data reporting from 0:00 on 4 June. From this point, the system of HU TA will only accept online invoice data reporting in the new data format, which leaves a few weeks for switching to version 1.1. Failure to submit online invoice data reports may result in a penalty of up to half a million forints per invoice, which may represent an even higher tax penalty risk than the VAT content of the invoice.

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HU TA Online invoices: 3+1 tasks for May

It is already apparent that this year also brings a number of challenges for taxpayers in relation to real-time invoice reporting. The extension of the deadline for the online invoice version change announced in the beginning of the year until 4 June gives another month to review four areas.

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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Hungary
Helga Kiss, tax director, RSM Hungary
Helga Kiss

Tax consequences of company sales and acquisitions

At the time of company or division sales, sellers have a tax liability (an obligation to pay income tax),let they be private individuals or companies. In connection with purchasing a company or division, any tax payment obligations and potential subsequent uses of deferred losses must be examined.

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Helga Kiss, tax director, RSM Hungary
Helga Kiss

Online invoice - from one to two

Although the deadline for this year\'s first modification phase has not yet expired, HU TA has already announced that the next step in online invoice data reporting will be version 2.0. Unlike in the tax authority\'s preliminary plans, not only an adjustment but a larger scale transformation should be expected in relation to online invoice reports.

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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Hungary

First deadline of the innovation contribution advance payment approaching!

From 2019, only those enterprises are exempt from the obligation to pay innovation contribution, which, taking all provisions of the SME Act into account, qualify as small or micro enterprises also on an aggregate basis considering their partner and linked enterprises. Although with its rate of 0.3 percent, innovation contribution is relatively small compared with almost all other tax and contribution liabilities, it may represent a substantial expense considering its tax base for the businesses specializing in the provision of services.

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