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Diána Varga

Senior Manager, Tax services

Diána Varga is an economist, a specialist with many years of tax consulting experience in the field of corporate tax, value added tax, personal income tax and local taxes. She began her career at the National Tax and Customs Administration, then worked at the State Secretariat for the Use of European Union Funds of the Ministry of Finance. Subsequently, she gained professional experience abroad in the field of accounting. As a manager at RSM Hungary Zrt., she participates in various compliance projects, consulting work and digital taxation.

She manages and reviews projects concerning tax calculations and tax returns for domestic and foreign companies, being involved in tax consulting, tax planning, and tax representation in the course of tax audits.

Diána Varga's topics
Diána Varga

This tax allowance can help businesses stay afloat

In the current economic climate, Hungarian businesses are also facing gradually rising energy prices, and are having to pay several times more than they used to for gas and electricity. One way to reduce costs is to invest in energy efficiency, to which the Corporate Tax Act also links a tax allowance.

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Diána Varga

Tax benefits related to the corporate income tax

In the second part of our blog series, we discuss the tax benefits available in connection with the corporate income tax. We will highlight common mistakes that may involve risks during a tax audit, so that you can avoid being found to have unlawfully used a tax relief.

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Diána Varga

Consider the tax benefits you are entitled to claim in your corporate income tax and local business tax returns in Hungary

Based on our current understanding, the deadline for publishing the financial statements for 2020 and submitting annual tax returns (for corporate income tax (CIT),innovation contribution, and local business tax (LBT)) is 31 May 2021. As a result, a number of companies are in the middle of their year-end tax calculations, and there are a few typical tax savings opportunities that are worth considering.

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Diána Varga

Local Business Tax reliefs for SMEs in 2021 in Hungary

In relation to the fiscal year of 2021, LBT reliefs are applicable for SMEs if their revenue or balance sheet do not exceed HUF 4 billion. Except for the 3.000 largest firms, every company is affected; the claims shall be submitted until 25 of February to the Hungarian Tax Authority.

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Diána Varga