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Summary 382 posts

NAV online invoice 2.0 - the final countdown started

The latest version of the Online Invoice has been updated in the live system of the Hungarian Tax Authority (NAV) yet. The most significant change is the new 2.0 XSD schema and its associated endpoint, which eliminates all obstacles to the mandatory use of the 2.0 online invoice version which will go live on 1 April.

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Digital tax revolution in Hungary

Hungary is at the top regarding the VAT rate and the rate of the VAT-gap reduction. We may feel right in the middle of a digital tax revolution. Regarding taxation, we can witness changes of such scale and intensity that are unprecedented.

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Hungarian real-time invoice data reporting deadline with new encryption algorithm

From 1 April 2020, only XML documents created using the new 2.0 template can be submitted to the Hungarian Tax Authority within the framework of the real-time invoice data reporting service; in addition, a new encryption procedure will have to be used when reporting invoice data. Two months from now, every invoicing software must report invoicing data using the new Online Számla 2.0 XML template.

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