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Do you work abroad remotely from Hungary? It’s worth now making sure that you’re taxing well!

Nowadays, it is common for Hungarian workers to work abroad as part of an international work schedule. With the coronavirus pandemic though, many workers have returned to Hungary to work remotely. For them, it is definitely worth reviewing the taxes applicable to wages received from abroad. On one hand, they may face a taxation risk if they pay the personal income tax abroad, and the Hungarian personal income tax can be more favourable for them even than the one paid abroad.

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Diána Varga

Tax benefits related to the corporate income tax

In the second part of our blog series, we discuss the tax benefits available in connection with the corporate income tax. We will highlight common mistakes that may involve risks during a tax audit, so that you can avoid being found to have unlawfully used a tax relief.

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Taxation changes in 2022 - How do we tax in 2022 in Hungary?

A number of taxation changes will be introduced from January, including VAT, tax planning, corporate income tax (CIT),personal income tax (PIT),small business tax (KIVA),social contribution tax or local business tax (LBT),so companies will have a lot to think about. Here is an overview of the tax related changes important for companies that will take effect from 2022.

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The taxpayer has the right to supportive tax authority administration

The European Court of Justice recently made a decision in another interesting case with Hungarian implications. The ruling relates to a special topic of the VAT Act, that of the VAT reclaim procedures of foreigners. In the justification of the ruling, the court also refers to areas of procedural law that are of interest to Hungarian companies as well.

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Hungarian Tax Authority's VAT return offers postponed

Instead of the originally planned target date of 12 November, the offering of Hungarian Tax Authority\'s VAT return drafts is to be postponed until the end of the state of emergency, i.e. until 1 January 2022 for certain. It seems that more time is necessary for the finalization of developments and the launch of the system after all.

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Risks of a generation change - advantages of planned wealth transfer

Whether we are talking about a generation change within a family or the selling of a company, a customized structure serving the security of company assets and ensuring the continued operation of the company should be developed. An unregulated transfer of a company or wealth brings the risk of a reduction in value. The key is therefore conscious organization development and timely started preparation.

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