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Summary 380 posts

Equity Problems and Tax Aspects

A company\'s equity problem may have an effect on the company form and may even lead to the termination of the company. If the loss of capital is revealed in relation to the preparation of the financial statements, the company must act as soon as possible in order to resolve the situation. When to act, how much time does the company have and what directions can the company go in to resolve equity problems in Hungary?

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Tax changes included in the tax package that affect companies

Among the key elements of the changes planned to be included in the spring tax package of Hungary that will affect companies, we can find amendments to the rules concerning corporate income tax, social contribution tax, personal income tax, value-added tax, property tax, and excise tax.

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Rules for the approval and accounting of dividends in Hungary

It is wise to update the rules on the approval and accounting of dividends when preparing the report. It is important for business owners to be aware that the accounting rules for waived dividends were amended in autumn 2020, since the possible decrease in profits in the light of the epidemic situation cannot be rectified by waived dividends.

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Wage support 4.0: additional industries, increased wage support and advance payment

The rules for wage support were amended at the same time as the restrictive measures were introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: additional industries have been added to the wage support scheme, and the advance payment of the support has become available, resulting in potential cash flow benefits for employers. Here are the most important dates and deadlines.

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Consider the tax benefits you are entitled to claim in your corporate income tax and local business tax returns in Hungary

Based on our current understanding, the deadline for publishing the financial statements for 2020 and submitting annual tax returns (for corporate income tax (CIT),innovation contribution, and local business tax (LBT)) is 31 May 2021. As a result, a number of companies are in the middle of their year-end tax calculations, and there are a few typical tax savings opportunities that are worth considering.

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