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Cégkapu – Registration of Foreign Managers Clarified

The matter of the registration of foreign managers has become clearer in relation to the use of the company portal “Cégkapu” that companies will be obliged to use from 1 January 2018. It is now clear what tasks have to be fulfilled using the Cégkapu portal and where companies not yet registered or already registered can get more information regarding the operation of the portal.

Foreign managers in the Cégkapu system

Previously we draw attention to the fact that in the case of companies having a company representative, who is a foreign individual, the problem of the absence of a registration of the foreign person with the Hungarian government portal "Ügyfélkapu" can be solved through an authorization. However, unfortunately, Cégkapu registrations did not operate properly in practice until the end of October. The National Info-communication Service Provider (NISZ) previously took the view that the foreign company managers named for the purpose of Cégkapu registrations must also be included in the so-called primary register (Personal Data and Address Register, Central Immigration Register, Register of foreign persons using electronic administration services) to make identification easier. In practice this meant that foreign managers could register their data in the case of a foreign stay at the diplomatic and consular representations of Hungary or, if the company manager was staying in Hungary they could do this at any of the offices of government issued documents (okmányiroda). 

In the meantime, the Cégkapu registration interface was changed and since the end of October, registration of foreign company representatives in the primary register is no longer a precondition of the Cégkapu registration. If the person authorized to represent the company is a foreign person and is not included in the primary register, it is sufficient for the individual, having an Ügyfélkapu registration, registering the foreign company representative with Cégkapu on the basis of an authorization, to attach a scanned copy of the document suitable for the personal identification of the foreign company representative (e.g. passport, ID card). This is a change that welcome indeed!

Free administration

Those interested in electronic administration should in the future not only visit the website cegkapu.gov.hu but also https://ekozig.mo.hu. In addition to the operation of the Cégkapu portal, the new website also presents the areas and affairs which companies can take care of electronically from 2018 and what services they will be able to use. The website already indicates that users will be able to communicate with authorities free-of-charge on e-paper using an attested messaging system. 

Going back to Cégkapu, there is a short video presenting the operation of the portal and a number of useful updated documents can now also be downloaded and the website now also includes Frequently Asked Questions. 

The administration interface where Cégkapu administrators can be registered is expected to be available from 28 December 2017 and users will also have the opportunity to change previously entered data (email address). 

Based on the information available, users will only be able to upload files generated by the general form filling program ÁNYK to Cégkapu. Documents of any type may however be received to Cégkapu from the official portals of other institutions and authorities. 

In relation to the connection between Cégkapu and Perkapu, the portal for the submission of documents to courts, users will have the opportunity to request the integration of the Perkapu service into Cégkapu. 

In respect of taxation, we can see that registration with Cégkapu does not, for now, change electronic administration with the Hungarian Tax and Customs Authority and the process of registration using the Standard Representation Data Form (EGYKE). 

Should you have any questions regarding the Cégkapu registration, do not hesitate to contact our expert. 

Please answer our questioner regarding the Cégkapu (corporate portal) registration obligation!

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