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Connectax Invoice Reporter on-SAP - Online invoice reporting in Hungary

With a turn-key SAP add-on for the real-time invoice reporting in Hungary, we can provide an easily installable SAP solution for invoice data reporting.

Do you have any question?
Don't hesitate to contact us!

Lilla Németh

Director, Tax services


The real-time invoice reporting (RTIR) SAP add-on solution is fully integrated into SAP,  submit the requested data in an automated way. It contains cockpit function for go-live testing and tax risk management onwards. The SAP add-on solution covers the steps of creation invoicing records in XML format, check and validation, data reporting to the Hungarian Tax Authority (HU TA) and receiving feedback messages from  HU TA (NAV).  It makes life easier for end-user as well having SAP screens as a single user interface. 

SAP  add-on  Solution Landscape

  • A turn-key, fixed price solution  (including implementation and  support for the first year)
  • Our SAP partner is a registered  SAP advisor
  • Fully integrated into SAP and Hungarian Tax Authority, English product language and support available  
  • SAP add-on Hungary RTIR  is a single user interface doesn't affect SAP standards
  • Seamless support via online ticket
  • In line with regulatory updates

How to get started?

Our experts can provide further details, please contact us, if you request a demonstration or you have specific questions.  Our SAP partner can provide an on-site or online live demo on our SAP environment. Upon request, you can also have a Proof of Concept on your own SAP test environment prior to procurement.

Implementation steps



Demo, licencing, kick-off

Customer -SAP-partner

1 week

Install and customize

SAP-partner - Customer

3 weeks

Test and train

SAP-partner - Customer

2 week

Go-live & support



Need Help? Contact our  digitax experts! 

About Hungarian Real-Time Invoicing Reporting obligation

From 1 of July 2018, any Hungarian VAT registered entity that issues invoices with a VAT amount above HUF 100,000 (approx. EUR 320) to another entity VAT registered in Hungary will be required to report these invoices without delay to the Hungarian Tax Authority (HU TA). This includes businesses established outside Hungary but registered for VAT in Hungary. If the company uses a billing software(s),or ERP the obligation to send data without delay is set when the invoice is closed.

Reporting of the invoice issued for domestic taxpayers with a VAT amount above HUF 100,00 must be done automatically over the Internet, without human intervention at the point of the closure of the invoice. Failure to report the invoices in real time mode may attract an administrative penalty of up to HUF 500,000 (EUR 1700) / invoice.

Companies need to ensure the proper technical solution for the automated invoice data reporting.

The fundamental principle of the data supply is that an XML data file may contain only one invoice. If for technical reasons, the billing program sends multiple invoice data to the tax office at a time; it cannot do so in a single data file. Breaking the accounts into separate data files is necessary.

Data supply includes the following primary data circuits

  • Technical data of data service: exact time, endpoint identifier
  • Billing software data: manufacturer's name, software name, version number
  • Invoice type
  • Initial invoice details
  • Modification invoice details

    If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact our experts!

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