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Helga Kiss, tax director, RSM Hungary
Helga Kiss

2023 summer tax package in Hungary – a summary of the main changes

On 6 June a package of tax bills containing a number of changes was announced, including significant modifications to VAT, personal income tax, corporate income tax, extra profit tax, local business tax, customs and excise regulations, as well as NETA (Public Health product tax). We have summarised the main tax types where taxpayers, especially companies, should expect changes from 2024. However, in many cases, changes could come into force as early as 2023.

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High new EPR fees announced

On 2 June 2023, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR fee) rates were published in Hungary. As expected, the EPR fees payable by companies are significantly higher than the previously established environmental product charges for the same and similar product streams.

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Divorce: the family business can go bust if you don't prepare in advance

Although in Hungary many people shy away from the idea of a prenup for emotional reasons, it is irresponsible for couples who run a joint business not to consider a negative scenario. Not only can costly and protracted litigation be avoided in divorce by a prenuptial property agreement, but the future of the family business could well depend on it. The number of contracts designed to protect family assets registered in the Register of Matrimonial and Cohabitation Property Contracts is increasing every year.

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How will the new social contribution tax affect investments in Hungary?

Pursuant to Government Decree No. 205/2023. (V. 31.) published on 31 May in the Official Journal of Hungary, as of 1 July 2023 interest income under the PIT Act – except for interest income from investment units of real estate funds – shall be subject to a 13% social contribution tax (“szocho”) in addition to the 15% personal income tax (PIT) during the state of emergency announced by Government Decree No. 424/2022. (X. 28.). The state of emergency is currently scheduled to last until 26 November 2023, but it cannot be ruled out that it will be extended again.

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Important changes planned by the Hungarian Tax Authority

Ever since the launch of the Online Invoice System, the Hungarian Tax Authority has been implementing both minor and major changes to the platform from time to time. Most recently, a change affecting a large number of businesses was announced by the Tax Authority in January, which was originally planned to go live on 15 May. However, according to the most recent news from the Hungarian Tax Authority, the go-live of the change has been postponed until 18 September. This means that companies that have failed to prepare for the changes involving corrective and cancellation invoices have nearly four more months to get ready

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When is a holding structure the right choice?

The majority of small and medium-sized enterprises are destined to face an increasing number of challenges as they grow in size. A carefully developed holding structure offers asset protection and tax optimisation benefits and is suitable for simplifying corporate governance processes. What is a holding company, and what are the benefits of a holding structure? Who should establish a holding company, and when? The key facts of holding structures are summarised in this post.

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EPR fee: double administrative burden for companies – the registration deadline is approaching

The extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme, which is to be launched in July 2023, will bring greater changes to entities\' lives than many people expect today, but at the same time with the deadline approaching there is less time to prepare. While there are still many unclear issues, it is certain that the new EPR will place a significant additional administrative burden on a lot of companies subject to the fee, as the obligation to pay the environmental product charge will not be abolished.

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Petra Palicz

VAT implications of the “Buy Now, Pay Later” arrangement

Recently, the so-called BNPL service, which stands for \"Buy Now, Pay Later\", has become increasingly popular. Although digitalisation and COVID-19 have accelerated the spread of this interest-free, deferred or instalment payment facility, the Hungarian Tax Authority has not yet developed a uniform practice on the correct VAT treatment of BNPL services. Please note that the VAT treatment of BNPL services can vary under Hungarian legislation, so it is important to be familiar with the rules.

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VAT risks of assembly or installation related to construction projects and capacity extensions

Many of our clients, mainly in the manufacturing and construction industries, face tax difficulties when they supply products or services to their customers involving assembly or installation work related to greenfield investments or expansion of manufacturing capacity. The VAT treatment of these transactions may be quite complex. One main reason for this is that based on the contractual or business context various types of transactions are conducted with different VAT implications.

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