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Transfer pricing data to be reported in the CIT return

A draft amendment to the transfer pricing decree is now available, detailing the data that will need to be included in the corporate income tax return from 2023 onwards in relation to transfer pricing documentation in Hungary. In addition to the new administrative task, the documentation threshold value is expected to change and the number of transactions to be documented may be reduced.

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Shadows cast over the private equity fund market

While private equity funds remain dominant players in global financial markets, the current financial and macroeconomic trends may cast some dark clouds over them. Investors will therefore be forced to adjust their proven strategies to achieve or at least approach the returns they have historically experienced.

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Electronic invoicing and archiving - what's beyond the pile of papers?

The move to electronic invoicing could be the first step in transforming administration. An increasing number of companies prefer contactless payments and paperless invoicing and are looking for e-invoicing solutions that are compatible with teleworking, while automating internal processes and increasing efficiency.

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When should a company opt for foreign currency accounting and taxation?

Recent changes in the forint exchange rate have had a marked impact on the operation and profitability of companies. Currently, less than half a percent of domestic companies keep their books in foreign currency, although for companies where a significant proportion of transactions are not HUF-based or where there are significant amounts of forex transactions, a change in the currency of accounting or even tax payment may be justified. For CIT and LBT tax payments in foreign currency, companies must already take steps by 1 December.

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Helga Kiss, tax director, RSM Hungary
Helga Kiss

Autumn tax changes 2022 - a summary of the key points of the new tax package

On 18 October, we were presented with a package of tax law proposals containing a number of tax law changes, including significant changes to corporate income tax and long-term investment accounts, while also aiming to simplify administration and tax obligations. We have summarised the main areas and tax types where taxpayers can expect changes.

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Diána Varga

This tax allowance can help businesses stay afloat

In the current economic climate, Hungarian businesses are also facing gradually rising energy prices, and are having to pay several times more than they used to for gas and electricity. One way to reduce costs is to invest in energy efficiency, to which the Corporate Tax Act also links a tax allowance.

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Digitisation and payroll? Nothing to be feared!

Repetitive tasks involved in monthly payroll processing are among the areas where digitisation is critical as it reduces errors and makes it easier to ensure legal compliance and precise timing. Both smaller and larger companies face ever-increasing requirements, and outsourced payroll can boost technology adoption or remotely perform the tasks associated with being a social security disbursement agency.

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