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Summary 407 posts

2017 tax package proposal: KATA, KIVA

KATA (small taxpayers’ itemized lump sum tax) The 2017 tax law proposal modifies the definition of the income of small taxpayer enterprises. According the new definition, the KATA-taxpayer may disregard in the calculation of his income the amount of subsidies provided to cover costs and for development purposes.

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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Global

Investment property – issues encountered in practise

IAS 40 was first issued in 2000. The standard requires an entity to determine whether property (land and buildings) should be classified as investment property, defined as property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation (or both). If so, the entity then has a choice of whether to account for it using the cost model or the fair value model.

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Sharing economy, i.e. share and pay the tax!

Taxi drivers protesting against Uber drivers on the streets, articles about the concerns of civil organizations of hotels and providers of traditional accommodation services in electronic papers and so on. This new economic segment growing at frightening speed cut the ground that so far seemed to be so solid from under the feet of former market players.

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Hungarian VAT FAQ

In my previous post I summarize what you need to know about taxes in Hungary.   Now you can find 7 points about the FAQ of Hungarian VAT.

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Issue 58 – IFRS News In Brief

The following is a summarised update on some of the main discussions or provisional decisions taken by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IC) at its meeting on 22 March 2016.

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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Global

Myanmar - a new frontier

Continuing our series on frontier and emerging markets, we focus here on Myanmar – the latest country to be listed as a frontier market.

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