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Women take centre stage in the UK New Year’s Honour’s List

Since George V founded the Order of the British Empire in 1917, the New Year\'s Honours List - which rewards contributions to the arts, sciences and work with charitable and welfare organisations - has been dominated by men. However, in 2016, the New Year’s Honours list is made up of 578 women – 48 percent of the total.

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IFRS News In Brief

PUBLICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Accounting changes for transactions between investors and associates or joint ventures postponed On 17 December 2015, the IASB confirmed the indefinite deferral of the effective date of the September 2014 narrow-scope amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture until such time as it has finalised a broader review of the equity method of accounting.

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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Global
RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Global

A day to be proud

Our unified global brand journey began many years ago, and it became ever more likely as our clients and the market demanded a consistent appearance to match our consistent commitment to quality.

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RSM Hungary – Audit | Tax | Advisory
RSM Global

Business in the balance: Peru’s fight to remain an emerging market

Peru is renowned for its business friendly government, business startup support and investment in the ecosystem. Peru’s GDP figure grew by 5% last year and over the last eight years has averaged 7% economic growth. The warm welcome for businesses, and the support which Peru offers, are hugely attractive to investors.

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