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Foreign employees’ Application for Social Security Identification (TAJ) Number and Tax Identification Number

In this post, I will summarize for employers and employees the process of application for the social security identification (TAJ) number and the tax number, which are essential for the registration. The foreign employee may choose to obtain the documents himself, but will nonetheless need assistance from his employer regarding signatures and company data.

In practice, however, we were contacted a number of times by foreign employees asking for help as they were lost in the maze of information and forms.

Applying for social security identification (TAJ) card

 The forms for applying for a TAJ card can be downloaded from the website of the National Health Insurance Fund (OEP). The employer may request the issuing of a TAJ number for non-Hungarian insured persons before the start of employment from the government authority operating in the area of the employer’s seat on a so-called order form.

The data necessary for the TAJ card application are summarized in the following 4 points:

1. Data necessary for the filling out of forms:

  • employer’s name
  • address
  • tax number
  • starting date of insurance relationship
  • employee’s name, name at birth
  • place of birth
  • date of birth
  • mother’s name at birth
  • address, place of stay
  • foreign address in the case of foreign citizens
  • citizenship
  • data of the applicant (data of the person authorized to act in the case)

2. Order form NYT. 52

Only the employer is entitled to fill out the order form. Data of the employer and the employee have to be stated on the form and the form must be attested by signature and seal.

3. Application form NYT. 53

Data of the employee and the person submitting the application have to be stated on the form.

4. Authorization form TB NYT. 159

There are two different ways for filling out the authorization form. If the exerciser of employer rights does not act personally in the case, written authorizations from both the employer and the employee concerned are necessary.

If a proxy is commissioned to act in the case, copies of personal documents (passport) and the address card / accommodation registration form have to be attached. If the applicant acts personally, the originals of these documents have to be presented.

Two copies should be prepared of all forms in order to be able to certify receipt of the form.

Tax identification number

Applying for a tax card and a tax identification number is not a complicated process, still it is good to know in advance what data you will need for the application.

You can apply for a tax card by filling out the form 16T34, which can be downloaded from the website of the Hungarian Tax and Customs Authority. The first application is free of charge.

Data and forms necessary for the application for a tax card:

Data necessary for filling out the form:

  • name, name at birth
  • place of birth
  • date of birth
  • mother’s name at birth
  • address
  • foreign address in the case of a foreign citizen
  • address to which the tax card is to be mailed
  • citizenship in the case of foreign employees

Form 16T34

A certificate with a photograph, ID card or passport

Social security card

Employer certificate

Authorization from the employee for the administrator if the employee does not act personally in the case

Address card

In the case of foreign citizens not having an address card or an accommodation registration form, only the tax card application form has to be submitted at the Tax Directorate of Special Cases and Taxpayers in Budapest, which will generate the tax identification number based on rules of exclusive competence.

In order to apply for a tax card, the form T34 has to be filled out in two copies and submitted personally or sent by mail to the tax authority competent based on the applicant’s address. The form can only be submitted electronically through the internet, if the applicant is registered with the government’s administrative service portal “ügyfélkapu”.

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