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customs guarantee

In order to secure payment of customs debt, collateral must be provided in the form of special or activity-related customs guarantee. The customs authority may only demand one collateral in respect of one customs debt. Customs guarantee must be provided for the licensing of activities relating to certain goods (temporary storage, economic customs procedures, deferred customs duty payment, simplified procedure) (activity guarantee). The rate of customs guarantee may not exceed the total amount of customs duty and non-Community taxes and fees to be charged in the case of release for free circulation. Customs guarantee must be provided by the person that is liable or may become liable for this debt. 

Forms of customs guarantee:

cash deposit or any other method of payment acknowledged by the tax authority equivalent to a cash deposit: 

  • electronic money paid to a NAV (HU TA) customs deposit account; 
  • electronic money stated on a bank collateral certificate, recognized and separated on the account of the person providing the security; 
  • cash paid to the petty cash of the customs authority; 

surety (covenant): 

  • by a person approved by the customs authority; 
  • by a credit institution licensed in the EU; 
  • by an insurance company licensed in the EU; 

security in any other form if it represents equivalent guarantee for the payment of the customs duties and other burdens under the customs debt concerned.

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