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Digital company procedures and contracting

Do whatever you can digitally without personal contact with the help of our lawyers. Electronic preparation of documents for company proceedings, property sale and purchase contracts and documents not requiring attorney counter-signature.

Do you have any question?
Don't hesitate to contact us!
Bálint Szűcs, partner, lawyer, tax advisor

Bálint Szűcs

Partner, Tax Expert, Attorney-at-law

Károly Udvardy attorney-at-law | RSM Legal

Károly Udvardy



Our employees prepare documents for company procedures, property sales, and purchase contracts and any other documents requiring or not requiring attorney counter-signature using digital solutions without personal meeting.

Based on anti-money laundering regulation and the regulation of attorney activities as well as rules of company law, clients have the option of taking company law steps, holding members' meetings and concluding property sale and purchase or other contracts without personal contact using digital instruments.

Our office has digital systems audited by the Hungarian Chamber of Attorneys and also has practical experience in relation to the relating procedures through which we are able to administer the affairs of our clients according to 21st century standards without personal contact. You do not have to leave your home or office to sign the company amendment or contract prepared by us, our employees carry out these processes smoothly through conference calls and, if physical handover of a contract is necessary, they organize courier service.

How can we provide help as legal advisors to contracts and legal declarations?  

  • In the digital solutions for company foundation, changing of registered company data without personal presence;
  • Holding of meetings of main bodies of companies (members' or shareholders' meetings) using means of electronic communication, proper adoption, and documentation of resolutions. If the company's articles of association do not provide for this option, we can help in the necessary amendment of documents;
  • Conclusion of property sale and purchase contracts without a personal appearance.
  • Preparation and generation in the proper document form of last wills and marital or partnership property agreements without personal appearance;
  • Preparation and countersigning of trust asset management contracts;
  • preparation, checking, electronic conclusion and attorney countersigning of other important contracts requiring written form.

    If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact our experts!

    Contact our expert directly or send us an offer request!

    Our professionals regularly publish specialist material