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Lilla Németh

Director, Tax services

Lilla Németh is involved in the elaboration and adaptation of automated tax solutions and the tax-focused development and implementation of our Connectax platform supporting the fulfilment of tax return filing and invoice data reporting obligations.

Previously, she was a member and later the head of the financial representation team of RSM Hungary Zrt. specializing in international VAT services. She is currently leading the compliance team of the tax business. She is involved in indirect tax audits, the solving of clients' tax problems and in the introduction and supporting of new financial representation and tax registration clients.

Continuously following changes in domestic VAT and invoicing legislation, she provides webinars and presentations both online and offline on digitalization and online invoice data reporting.

Lilla Németh's topics
Lilla Németh

Online invoice - from one to two

Although the deadline for this year\'s first modification phase has not yet expired, HU TA has already announced that the next step in online invoice data reporting will be version 2.0. Unlike in the tax authority\'s preliminary plans, not only an adjustment but a larger scale transformation should be expected in relation to online invoice reports.

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Lilla Németh

Online invoice data reporting - details of the first XML schema change

As promised, at the end of January the tax authority made available the detailed technical specifications of the first round of invoice XML schema changes planned for this year. Based on this communication, the developers of invoicing systems have three months for the integration and testing of the changes. The Tax Authority declared it will not accept any invoices based on the old schema version (1.0) XML documents from 1st of May 2019.

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Lilla Németh

Companies may expect HU TA audit in relation to online invoicing data reporting

According to the communication of HU TA, from 21 January, the county and Budapest directorates of the tax authority will perform audits based on risk analyses at the taxpayers obliged to report invoicing data online. Those who failed, based on available control data, to report data on their supplies with a VAT content over 100 thousand forints, can expect an appearance from the tax authority.

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Lilla Németh

Hungarian online invoice reporting system meeting expectations but needing correction

The first result figures of the six months since the launch of the online invoice reporting system confirm that the real-time invoice data reporting service met expectations in terms of improving the efficiency of VAT collection. The Hungarian tax authority is able to identify fraudulent businesses almost immediately and in an automated manner relying on the data submitted through the solutions provided by the companies obliged to report data and their service providers.

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Lilla Németh

Online invoice reporting mission: accomplished!

The NAV real time invoice reporting process launched in July was like a competition where the contestants tried to complete the racetrack in \"vehicles\" purchased off the shelf or developed and built by themselves. The June test period was prolonged by a useful leniency month, thus all entities were required to come up to par by 31 July while continuous compliance has been mandatory since 1 August.

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