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Lilla Németh

Director, Tax services

Lilla Németh is involved in the elaboration and adaptation of automated tax solutions and the tax-focused development and implementation of our Connectax platform supporting the fulfilment of tax return filing and invoice data reporting obligations.

Previously, she was a member and later the head of the financial representation team of RSM Hungary Zrt. specializing in international VAT services. She is currently leading the compliance team of the tax business. She is involved in indirect tax audits, the solving of clients' tax problems and in the introduction and supporting of new financial representation and tax registration clients.

Continuously following changes in domestic VAT and invoicing legislation, she provides webinars and presentations both online and offline on digitalization and online invoice data reporting.

Lilla Németh's topics
Lilla Németh

NAV online invoice report plans – a New Era starts from January

Substantial changes are coming in the NAV online invoice data reporting system with yet another sprint starts for programming and finance experts for the preparation of invoicing programs and data reporting software. The deadline for the conversion to 3.0 XML in January is relatively short but the Hungarian tax authority grants a sanction-free period to taxpayers until April.

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Lilla Németh
Lilla Németh

What to do if National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) asks about online invoice differences?

With the end of the grace period approaching, the Hungarian tax authority applies enhanced scrutiny to the online invoice data reporting of companies and also compares the invoice data received to domestic recapitulative statements. Due to the changes in the regulation of online invoice data reporting and the digitalization efforts of NAV, there is a greater focus on the testing of the quality of data reporting.

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Lilla Németh

The 5 most common, correctable errors in Hungarian VAT Returns

The changes entered to force from 1 July prompted experts who prepare VAT returns to reconsider certain things. From the second half of 2020, the value limits on incoming invoices to be declared on MSheets of the VAT return and outgoing invoices to be reported in the Hungarian Tax Authority online invoice data reporting system were eliminated.

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Lilla Németh

Things you should know before accepting electronic invoice

One of the most hyped topics of this year are electronic invoices and electronic invoicing. On the side of businesses, there is an increasing demand for better understanding of rules and best practices concerning the electronic issuing and acceptance of invoices. The growing demand for epidemic-proof digital solutions combined with the Hungarian Tax Authority expectations all bring the spotlight to electronic invoicing.

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Lilla Németh

Guide to NAV Online Invoice reporting - lessons to learn

The online invoice experience of nearly 300,000 first Hungarian swallows can be found useful for those taxpayers who join later. Summarizing our experience as a tax consultant and digital tax solution provider, with the understanding of corporate operations and expectations of the Hungarian Tax Authority (NAV),we would like to draw your attention to some challenges and faults to help newcomers to the world of online invoice reporting.

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