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How to register with HU TA for invoicing data reporting

The first step in invoice data reporting is the taxpayer’s registration at the Hungarian Tax Authority (HU TA). Testing of the sending of data can be started in the tax authority’s system after registration. Taxpayers should use this opportunity on the one hand, because the test system of HU TA can do everything that the live system will, which means that potential errors can already be identified at this point and, on the other hand, going live will also be easier for the taxpayer after testing. Every solution the company may choose for the sending of invoice data in the future, registration is a must for both testing and live operation, so let's go through this process.

It is important to know that the website of HU TA operates as a test system, which means that registration on this site is not sufficient for the fulfilment of the obligation entering into force from 1 July and new registration will be necessary for the “live” system! 

Who can register for invoicing data reporting? 

Registration can be carried out by the legal representative or permanent proxy of the taxpayer. In the case of foreign companies registered in Hungary for VAT purposes, the person authorized by the foreign company having an account with the “ügyfélkapu” public administration portal can register. 

Use the following link for registration: https://onlineszamla-test.nav.gov.hu/regisztracio/start. 

Steps of registration for the purpose of real-time online invoicing data reporting

You should go through the steps of the process before starting registration to make sure that all information is available since the tax authority’s system currently has a 5-minute timeframe for registration. If you exceed this limit, you will receive an error message saying: “work process expired, please register again”. The tax authority says that the 5-minute time limit for registration was set for reasons beyond the system and will hopefully be eliminated soon for the test system also. 

1. By clicking on the registration link after acceptance of the data management information, you can start registration by choosing the option “registration by the taxpayer having data supply obligation”. First, you have to log into your “ügyfélkapu” account with your username and password. The portal identifies the user based on the entered data. 

2. Entering personal data. All personal data must be entered in exactly the same manner as they are shown on the given person’s personal documents! For example, if the place of birth is Budapest, you will also have to enter the number of the district: Budapest 06. After entering the correct data, you have to choose to check of personal data for identification. If anything is misspelt when entering the key personal identification data of the registering natural person, an error message appears saying that identification based on the entered data failed and the process can only be continued after correcting the error.  

Next, you have to enter the username with the required minimum number of characters and click “check username”. If a user with this name already exists, you can choose between using the existing username or registering with a new username. This may be important especially if a certain person registers or supplies data in the name of several taxpayers. 

3. Selecting the type of registration, which can be a business organization or private entrepreneur. After choosing the relevant option, you have to enter the first 8 digits of your tax number. For private entrepreneurs, the tax ID also needs to be provided.  

4. Entering detailed data for client registration. After the tax authority checks whether you are entitled to register in the given taxpayer’s name, you can enter the password, email address and phone number relating to the username entered in step 2 and you can also choose the language of communication at this point. Next, you will need the data of the taxpayer and will have to click on “registration”. 

5. Log-in after successful registration: https://onlineszamla-test.nav.gov.hu/login. You can log in after entering your username and password. 

To start the supply of data, you will need to create a so-called technical user (a virtual user for successful data supply to a computer-computer interface) and you will have to apply for a signature key and a replacement key relating to the technical user. After log-in, new menu points will appear and you will have to choose the users option and click the green “new user” button on the right. 


Next, you have to choose to add of a technical user. On the appearing page, you will have to enter the password of the technical user that you may change later and your technical user is created. 

6. Key generation. In the details column of the technical user line, click on the downward pointing triangle and rolling down you will find the option of key generation. 


 By clicking on the option of key generation, a message will pop up saying that “operation was completed successfully”. Rolling up, you will see the XML signature key and replacement key under the username that we deleted in the screen shown below for data protection reasons. 


7. Congratulations, you are ready for the testing of the data report. You can start the data supply process by integrating the technical user, its password, the signature key and the replacement key in the data supply module of your invoicing software or by setting these in a data supply system developed by a third party. 

Do not forget that you will have to register again after the system goes live!

Before starting the HU TA testing process, you can check the content of your invoicing data report by validation of the XML generated by your invoicing program or ERP system

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