Contribution Cut, 2018
There is no surprise in the draft of the Act on Social Contribution Tax promulgated last week; the contribution payable by employers will decrease by 2.5 percent to 19.5 percent in 2018.
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There is no surprise in the draft of the Act on Social Contribution Tax promulgated last week; the contribution payable by employers will decrease by 2.5 percent to 19.5 percent in 2018.
Read moreHungary extended the scope of the food chain supervision fee (FCSF) to foreign businesses registered for VAT in Hungary. Previously only domestic companies were obliged to pay FCSF. The food chain supervision fee (FCSF) is a tax on the food supply chain activities. FCSF rate is 0.1 % and it is levied on the net sales revenue derived from such activity.
Read moreOnly a few know that the member states of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, i.e. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman started a common customs union in the Persian Bay area from 2015.
Read moreA growing number of articles is published in relation to “cégkapu” (company portal) and its problems but it is still not quite clear why “cégkapu” is necessary and how companies should register. We would like to help to clarify the scope of affairs which can be administered through “cégkapu” and to explain why it is important providing you with a simple and straightforward summary below.
Read moreMore than 200 thousand taxpayers may enjoy the benefits coming from having reliable taxpayer status according to latest data of the Hungarian Tax and Customs Authority (NAV). At the same time, however, the number of businesses rated risky increased also on last year’s base. Companies should be aware of the criteria based on which businesses are rated quarterly as some points of the relevant regulation change in the recent period due to amendments of legal regulations.
Read moreNew details emerged about the real time invoice reporting requirements due to be introduced in Hungary from 1 July 2018.
Read moreFurther reduction of contributions would be necessary for the competitiveness of Hungarian companies and wages to be able to improve. For the competitiveness of companies, the most important factors are the availability of properly qualified and sufficient employees and the evolution of the total cost of employment.
Read moreEffective from 1 July 2017, the advertisement tax rate will be raised from 5.3% to 7.5% for taxpayers with sales revenues from advertising exceeding HUF 100 million. In the period of January to June 2017, the tax rate will be lowered to 0% to avoid the taxation of companies retroactively and to ensure equal treatment of taxpayers. These measures will result in an effective tax rate of 3.75% for the entire year 2017.
Read more15th of May marked the proclamation of the legislation that requires businesses to prepare Country-by-Country Report (CbC) reports. Hereby we summarize the most important issues and deadlines impacting Hungarian firms, including when the Hungarian companies need to submit their CbC reports and the obligations of firms whose parent companies are in the United States, which for the moment is a special case, regarding data reporting.
Read moreIn May 2017, changes in tax legislation has been approved by the Hungarian parliament. The changes have an effect on the corporate income tax, individual income tax and VAT laws.
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