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Detailed corporate level tax footprint mapping for business entities - we support you to fulfill your local tax compliances!
If you operate a complex business model in Hungary (such as toll manufacturing, supplies subject to installation or assembly, chain transactions, subcontractors, multiple scenario business, etc.) you may wish to understand better VAT/EKAER/EPF treatment of each of your purchases or supplies and potentially seek advice on reorganization/supply chain optimalisation.
For example, if you purchase goods from various locations in Hungary/ other EU countries/ non EU countries to Hungary, refurbish them locally while relying on one or more local or regional subcontractors, then supply the refurbished goods either locally or across border from Hungary or elsewhere, you may face multiple VAT organizational questions such as:
RSM Hungary can help you to determine VAT/EPF/EKAER treatment of each of your transactions (detailed tax footprint mapping),identify risks and provide recommendations for improvement and potentially simplification of your VAT operations in Hungary and in the region.