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Summary 380 posts

Hungarian real-time invoice data reporting deadline with new encryption algorithm

From 1 April 2020, only XML documents created using the new 2.0 template can be submitted to the Hungarian Tax Authority within the framework of the real-time invoice data reporting service; in addition, a new encryption procedure will have to be used when reporting invoice data. Two months from now, every invoicing software must report invoicing data using the new Online Számla 2.0 XML template.

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All roads lead to digitization in taxation as well

Also as a result of electronic data disclosures – real-time invoice data reporting, EKAER, or online cash register data – the estimated VAT gap in Hungary has decreased considerably in the course of the past 5 years, to 9 per cent in 2018. In the meantime, the scope of tax information possible to be digitally queried from HU TA databases is extended significantly.

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Kinga Csepei

Cafeteria – the taxation of employer group insurance schemes is changing!

According to the Personal Income Tax Act, regarding taxable personal insurance schemes (including both risk or non-risk insurance schemes) that are starting in 2018 but continuing into 2019, it was possible for the employer to pay the premium more favourably than salaries. Regarding insurance years commencing in 2019, this favourable transitional rule can no longer be applied. Accordingly, companies must give due consideration to the conditions under which they can optimise these benefits.

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