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Summary 24 posts

Hungary extends the real-time invoice reporting (RTIR) to paper-based invoices

As you may know Hungary plans to introduce real time invoice reporting obligation from 1 July 2018. Any Hungarian VAT registered entity that issues invoices with a VAT amount above HUF 100,000 (approx. EUR 320) to another entity VAT registered in Hungary will be required to report these invoices “without delay, but within 24 hours at latest” to the Hungarian Tax Authority (HU TA). This includes businesses established outside Hungary but registered for VAT in Hungary. According to the current law draft failure to report the invoices in real time mode may attract administrative penalty of up to HUF 500,000 (EUR 1700) / invoice.

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Corporate Income Tax Changes in 2017

The majority of the amendments of the CIT Act are aimed at the expansion of tax benefits, some appear in the draft legislation in the form of tax base benefits, while others as tax benefits.

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