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Summary 24 posts

Statutory regulations on authorising acquisitions by foreign investors in Hungary

Pursuant to a government decree adopted in relation to the emergency situation on 25 May, in certain business sectors, foreign investors could only acquire shares in business entities with registered offices in Hungary subject to the acknowledgement of the relevant minister. Following the repeal of the government decree, statutory regulations entered into force as part of the miscellaneous amendments concerning the end of the emergency situation, effective from the day on which the emergency situation was declared to have ended, which amended certain provisions of the decree.

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Epidemic-safe company set-up, transformation and sale or purchase of property with digital attorney counter-signature

Company proceedings, property sale and purchase contracts: almost everyone automatically remembers that an attorney is necessary for these procedures and the signature typically takes place in the office of the legal representative. Many are unaware, however, that company foundation and company transformation processes and even sales and purchases of property requiring attorney counter-signature can be carried out electronically without personally seeing the attorney.

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Extraordinary measures override the Labour Code

According to the regulation published in today\'s Hungarian Official Gazette, the new package of measures has overridden several labour law rules. Teleworking and working from home can be ordered independently of an employment contract, as the possibilities for derogation from the Labour Code are extended.

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Data storage – not only concerning primary sources!

Companies often underestimate the quantity of data they accumulated about their buyers, customers. This also means that they underestimate the significance and potential consequences of the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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Company acquisition options and their legal consequences

In a previous post, we gave an overview of possible methods of acquisitions (share, asset or division purchase) and the primary business issues arising in case of each of the alternatives. Choosing from these methods, although a business decision, obviously leads to different legal consequences.

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New tool for reducing tax evasion – the CbC report requirement takes effect

15th of May marked the proclamation of the legislation that requires businesses to prepare Country-by-Country Report (CbC) reports. Hereby we summarize the most important issues and deadlines impacting Hungarian firms, including when the Hungarian companies need to submit their CbC reports and the obligations of firms whose parent companies are in the United States, which for the moment is a special case, regarding data reporting.

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Contribution Cut, 2018

There is no surprise in the draft of the Act on Social Contribution Tax promulgated last week; the contribution payable by employers will decrease by 2.5 percent to 19.5 percent in 2018.

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