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Summary 27 posts

Reporting: what to care for during the closing process

Reporting is a recurring task that companies subject to the reporting obligation must perform routinely but never mechanically. The reporting obligation applies in many cases, in addition to the annual reports, and many processes are the same as the tasks performed as part of the annual reporting. The following summary focuses on these main tasks.

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Rules for the approval and accounting of dividends in Hungary

It is wise to update the rules on the approval and accounting of dividends when preparing the report. It is important for business owners to be aware that the accounting rules for waived dividends were amended in autumn 2020, since the possible decrease in profits in the light of the epidemic situation cannot be rectified by waived dividends.

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Tax payment and Hungarian Instant Payment system

The Hungarian Instant Payment system, which will apply to B2B transfers and payments made to the tax authority as well, has been launched on 2 March, 2020. It is important that only payments between Hungarian HUF accounts are going to be instant; the change will not affect accounts in any other currency.

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Cégkapu – Registration of Foreign Managers Clarified

The matter of the registration of foreign managers has become clearer in relation to the use of the company portal “Cégkapu” that companies will be obliged to use from 1 January 2018. It is now clear what tasks have to be fulfilled using the Cégkapu portal and where companies not yet registered or already registered can get more information regarding the operation of the portal.

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“Cégkapu” (company portal) troubles

A growing number of articles is published in relation to “cégkapu” (company portal) and its problems but it is still not quite clear why “cégkapu” is necessary and how companies should register. We would like to help to clarify the scope of affairs which can be administered through “cégkapu” and to explain why it is important providing you with a simple and straightforward summary below.

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New rules of prescribing and accounting of dividend

Although the change has been in force for over a year, those who did no prepare an interim report (for example, because of the payment of dividend advance) are only faced with the relating practical tasks now in the period of preparation of financial statements.

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Company acquisition, but how? Share, asset or division purchase?

If a seller starts negotiations for the sale of its company, the first thing to clarify is what the subject matter and the proposed structure of the transaction is. In this regard, there are generally three basic solutions that should be considered; the options of a share deal, an asset deal or a division transfer.

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Michael Wells on the future of the accounting profession

Many among us may sense that the combination of technological developments, financial market innovation and changes in business models impacts our profession more than ever before. This may well make the profession all the more interesting, but it also creates some dissonance with the wider perception of accountants, which often associates us with conservative principles and unchanging techniques. It is therefore timely that we debate whether we should embrace ‘change’ to successfully drive accounting into the future before ‘change’ becomes imposed on us as a necessity, in order to maintain our highly impactful role in advancing firms’ good stewardship.

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Issue 58 – IFRS News In Brief

The following is a summarised update on some of the main discussions or provisional decisions taken by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (IC) at its meeting on 22 March 2016.

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