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Company car taxation in Italy

Law Decree 16/2012 has modified Art. 164 of the Italian income and corporation tax act (TUIR) which governs the deductibility of the cost relating to private and commercial vehicles. The mentioned law change reduced the percentage of the deductibility of costs related to private cars assigned and not assigned to employees. Relevant cases:

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RSM Global
RSM Global

Changes in German group taxation

There are many formal requirements applicable to such agreements in German company law. Until now a significant risk existed that if all the profit (or loss) was not transferred to the parent entity, e.g. due to errors in the annual accounts of the subsidiary, the tax authorities regarded the agreement as not executed.

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RSM Global
RSM Global

Celtic champions undefeated

Following the 2010 London and the 2011 Paris cups, the third RSM Europe football tournament was back in town in Amsterdam this year. And so rightly it was back in town. I mean, we had a brilliant opportunity to share every inch, every second, every minute of a long, sporting day with ladies and gentlemen of our own breed: the smart and kind of the RSM network.

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Innovative solutions taking Hungarian companies to the finals of the European Business Awards

Innovative solutions allow growth and progress at a time of crisis also – this is the message of the twenty Hungarian companies that have made it to this year’s finalists of the prestigious European Business Awards. All of these companies attribute their success to an ability to constantly reinvent themselves. The finalists also have the chance of winning the highly acknowledged Ruban d’Honneur award. European award winners will be revealed in September.

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