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Dániel Sztankó, RSM Hungary, Head of Indirect Tax Services

Dániel Sztankó

Director, Indirect Tax services

Dániel Sztankó has been the VAT expert of RSM Hungary Zrt., has supported the compliance of our fiscal representation team's clients in domestic and international VAT services since 2014. He was a manager at an international advisory network in Hungary specialising in VAT and indirect taxes from 2008 and then in Singapore from 2012, prior to which he had worked for a London based tax advisory firm. He began his professional career with the tax authority where he worked as a tax specialist in VAT for more than 5 years.
As an advisor to global market players, he has focused on the regulation and application of European, Asian and international value-added taxes and indirect taxes for more than a decade. He has acquired experience in a number of sectors, such as energy, telecommunication, technology, logistics, pharmaceuticals, financial services, and real estate, both in Hungary and abroad.
Beside consultations, Dániel is a regular lecturer of business and professional conferences focused on Hungarian VAT, online invoice reporting and EKAER legislation.

Dániel Sztankó's topics

How to file foreign tax returns from Hungary? Part II

Taxpayers will be able to meet registration, tax return filing and tax payment obligations efficiently through the One Stop Shop VAT system selectable from 2015 in which the relevant obligations can be fulfilled through one registration, filing only one tax return per period and making only one transfer.

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OECD Publishes International VAT Guidelines

At its meeting held in Tokyo, Japan on 17-18 April 2014 and attended by the representatives of more than 100 countries and international organisations, the Organization for Economic Coordination and Development (OECD) discussed and approved the Guidelines on certain issues of the VAT treatment of international transactions.

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How to file foreign tax returns from Hungary? Part I

From the coming year, the service providers providing telecommunication, broadcasting and electronic services (hereinafter: “TBE services”) to individuals will have to fulfil their VAT obligations in each member state in which the individuals using their services have their permanent address or place of stay, perhaps in each of the 28 member states of the EU. Registration, tax return filing and tax payment obligations can be fulfilled efficiently from 2015 in the One Stop Shop system taxpayers can choose to apply for this purpose. The main point of the One Stop Shop system is that the relevant obligations can be fulfilled through one registration, filing only one tax return per period and making only one transfer.

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Am I supposed to raise a VAT invoice every time my app is downloaded?

A single article, Article 9a of the Implementing Regulation 1042/2013 defines which member of a supply chain, providing electronic or telephone services through the internet, will have to raise a VAT invoice to consumers who are non-taxable entities – the explanatory notes issued on 3 April include an additional 22-page explanation to Article 9a. Our below summary intends to provide a short and practical summary of the most important aspects of the rule becoming effective from next January.

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