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Summary 10 posts

Foreign VAT refund - The Court of Justice of the EU comes to the aid of taxpayers

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled (C-746/22) that a Hungarian rule which does not allow foreign taxpayers to submit their VAT refund documents even in the second instance procedure is not in line with the EU law. The CJEU found that the Hungarian legislation infringes the principle of VAT neutrality and the principle of effectiveness, as it prohibits taxpayers from providing the additional information requested by the first-tier tax authority in an appeal to the second-tier tax authority.

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VAT Exemption in the Insurance Sector

Facts of the ECJ – Aspiro case (C-40/15) - The Polish Aspiro company supplies, in the name and on behalf of an insurance company, on the basis of a contact concluded with that company, comprehensive services for the settlement of insurance claims.

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ECJ: Of ECJ VAT cases – A single transaction or multiple transactions for VAT purposes?

CPP case (Case C-349/96) Facts Card Protection Plan Ltd. („CPP\"),which is headquartered in the United Kingdom, supplies a service covering the indemnification of cardholders against financial loss in the event of loss or theft of their bank cards and other damages arising on their travels (such as damages related to the finding of lost luggage) under a so-called “Card Protection Plan”.

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