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Summary 20 posts

Epidemic-safe company set-up, transformation and sale or purchase of property with digital attorney counter-signature

Company proceedings, property sale and purchase contracts: almost everyone automatically remembers that an attorney is necessary for these procedures and the signature typically takes place in the office of the legal representative. Many are unaware, however, that company foundation and company transformation processes and even sales and purchases of property requiring attorney counter-signature can be carried out electronically without personally seeing the attorney.

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Tax Authority (NAV) extends Online Számla 2.0 deadline

The use of the NAV Online Invoice 2.0 version will not be a must from 1 April 2020 in online invoice data reporting. The deadline for the introduction of the new schema was extended by NAV until 1 July with regard to the extraordinary situation arising due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Don’t let coronavirus overcome your company – apply for a tax reduction. UPDATED!

The global coronavirus epidemic affects all sectors of the economy, however, the service sector, and in particular tourism and catering, is the industry that is hit the earliest. What can companies do right away to alleviate the difficulties in paying their tax liabilities?UPDATE: According to the latest announcements, the Hungarian Tax Authority fairly appraises entrepreneurs\' tax relief requests.

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Extraordinary measures override the Labour Code

According to the regulation published in today\'s Hungarian Official Gazette, the new package of measures has overridden several labour law rules. Teleworking and working from home can be ordered independently of an employment contract, as the possibilities for derogation from the Labour Code are extended.

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Digital tax revolution in Hungary

Hungary is at the top regarding the VAT rate and the rate of the VAT-gap reduction. We may feel right in the middle of a digital tax revolution. Regarding taxation, we can witness changes of such scale and intensity that are unprecedented.

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