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The first specific details about Online számla version 2.0

Following the outage, on the last day of July the interface of NAV Online számla (real-time invoice) featured a new version. However, the long awaited “big score” - the description of the new 2.0 XSD version of online számla - remains yet to be seen, but development on the side of HU TA continues undiminished. Now, real-time invoice moved forward by updating API, a feature facilitating data inquiry.

This is not yet the full new version of online számla, but...

By taking a single step, HU TA managed to move forward by two versions, as versions 1.9 and 2.0 went live simultaneously. On top of this, these were made available not only in the test environment, but immediately appeared on the live interface of Online Számla. 

Reading the related technical pieces of information, it turns out that functions made available so far may mostly attract increased interest among developers. This present announcement has not yet outlined the changes that will need to be made in the invoicing and reporting modules, and the final details of new XSD version 2.0 have also not yet been revealed. 

The inquiry opportunities of online számla will be expanded

In addition to minor corrections and enhancements, the most important feature is that the machine interface of Online Számla was updated. This can be regarded as the second generation of the tax authority’s development that was launched a year ago. The interface was expanded by adding useful inquires and functions that both strengthen the digital service provider role of the tax authority and also assist in promoting the digitalisation of taxation and financial administration. 

With the new version:

  • it is possible to inquire into the detailed data of invoices where our company appears not as a supplier but as a buyer, in cases where the seller indicated our tax number,
  • regarding invoices reported it is possible to filter them according to periods based on either the date or even the date of the data processing of the invoice,
  • based on the serial number of the original invoice, the related adjustment invoice chain can also be inquired into,
  • whenever we look up invoices, in addition to mandatory search parameters, it is now also possible to enter further new optional search parameters.

According to latest information provided by the Ministry of Finance, during the last 13 months the data of more than 50 million invoices were reported in the Online Számla application. So currently this is the vast database in which corporate taxpayers can enter extended inquiries to obtain an increasing array of information about themselves.

For the time being, it is only an opportunity to inquire into invoice data on the online számla interface

For the time being, the new, version 2.0 machine interface can be used in parallel with version 1.x that is currently used to report data. So far, no information has yet been provided by the tax authority about the process of mandatory migration to the new version.

The opening of the new API is a small step for one man, but a significant (although not yet a giant) leap for companies in terms of the future of digital taxation. This may primarily promote the digitisation of financial processes, the further automation of control points and can take us one step closer to the practical application of eVAT, that has currently only been formulated as an objective.

Contact our consultants
if you need help in online invoice version 2.0!

Attention! The appearance of the NAV Online számla version 2.0 was preceded by a multiple hour outage. Because of this outage, we recommend that you make sure that invoices raised late afternoon on the last day of July were actually reported, as (according to our experiences) not all internal and external reporting modules are able to manage such longer tax authority side outages properly. This may even result in a failure to report invoices covered by the real-time invoice data reporting obligation, and this gap may remain hidden even until a future real-time invoice audit.

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